birthday vacations

Destination Birthday Parties

Another trip around the sun (extra sunshine included)

How to plan a fun-filled birthday party getaway

Gather a group of close family and friends on the beach to celebrate another trip around the sun! We help plan birthdays getaways to fit your exact style and needs so you can party with your favorite people, day and night.

Enjoy nonstop fun for your birthday celebration and fill every hour of your time with exciting group activities like beach volleyball, mixology classes, dance lessons and more. If you love a good adventure, book an offsite excursion and marvel at ancient ruins or snorkel amongst wild marine life! Birthday travel has never been easier when you choose to work with us!

save up to $2,000 off your entire booking

Exclusive savings

As the party host, you’ll receive a discount of up to $2,000 off your trip. Additional perks that will benefit your group may include an exclusive photo shoot, reserved spot on the beach, welcome bottle of sparkling wine and a birthday dinner with a personalized birthday cake!

We make celebration planning easy, free and fun. Here’s what you’ll get when you book a destination birthday party with us:

Personalized Service

A personal Group Travel Specialist to help you plan the birthday party and coordinate travel for you and your friends

Stress-free Planning

Years of knowledge and expertise in booking group travel to ensure a stress-free planning experience

A World of Choice

Access to more than 1,200 properties in 42 countries so you can find a resort that will make all of your birthday wishes come true – even when it comes to sticking to your budget

Custom Planning Website

A customizable planning website to coordinate and organize the birthday celebration

Easy Payment Plan

An easy payment plan that allows your friends to schedule payments at their own pace

Peace of Mind

Emergency 24/7 travel support to help with any issues that may arise while you are away